The Honest Answer On How To Make Your Makeup Look “Photoshopped”: Part 1

This post has taken so long to write because I have tried to condense all this information into one page and realized that it’s impossible to explain all at once. So I have decided to break up the subject into a few parts! This way it is a easier to understand and not get lost in miles of paragraphs.
One of the questions I get asked most when I’m at work is, “I love the way your skin looks! What foundation are you wearing?”

I honestly wear everything and since working at MAC I have even grown to love their foundations!

There are a few factors that go into making your face makeup look really milky and smooth. However, what I want you guys to know is that first and foremost, if you do not take care of your skin and watch what you eat, then you shouldn’t expect to look “photo-shopped”. Even if you put on multiple layers of foundation and powder. In all honesty, really good looking foundation starts with really good skin and i cannot stress that enough.

There really is no other way around it, and what I think a lot of people expect from makeup application is a bit unrealistic in terms of what the results are going to be. Sometimes clients will show me a picture of a girl who is so photoshopped to a point where she looks like play-doh and go “can you make me look like this?” After asking a few questions about their skin/skincare and find out that they are super dry and only use toner, and JUST toner, the answer is no.

This is because first off, the skin is so dry and textured that anything you put on it will look flaky. Second, even if I were to add moisturizing products, it still wouldn’t be enough to smooth it out completely without noticing any texture. It takes time for the skin to start looking and feeling better. The more consistency the better the outcome!

But you know what is very interesting?

I find that people spend way more money on makeup to cover up their problems rather than spending on skincare which can actually solve skin issues. People watch videos of beauty bloggers raving about a certain product that they love and think “I need this too.”

People like being told what to buy because these beauty bloggers are doing the work for them. They don’t want to spend the time and money to figure out what works for them either because they don’t feel like it or don’t have the patience to.

Honestly, its  b*****t.

The other person who is behind the camera not only has different skin, but what they also don’t tell you is that they probably spend a lot on skincare and keep up a regular skin routine.. I haven’t watched a tutorial in a while, but from what I can remember not one of the Youtuber’s that I watched talked about skincare first band how they prep it before makeup application.

This is why you can spend $80 on Tom Ford foundation, but at the end of the day, if you don’t take good care of your skin then its going to look like crap. Period.

So get rid of the idea that expensive foundation will be a long term solution to make your skin look better. Get rid of the idea that there is one miracle product out there that will cover everything up and make you look like a real life walking photo-shopped doll.

If you want to make your makeup look the best it could be, start taking time out of your day or wake up earlier to use moisturizer/serums/masks or scrubs (and be consistent).

Im not going to tell you what products you should buy and use, because that is something that should be customized and tailored to your needs. Make sure to take the time to experiment and research what products will work for you. I promise you it will change your whole makeup game!

Also on the plus side, if you have better looking skin, then you don’t need as much makeup to cover things up. Doesn’t it sound more appealing that you can walk out of your house and feel good when you have nothing on?
At the end of the day, its not the actual makeup, its the health of your skin!


P.S  I need to point out that this post is in regards to most people who have less severe skin problems and have manageable symptoms. If a you or another person suffer from conditions such as severe acne, then that is something that should be looked at by a dermatologist.

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